
Friday, July 30, 2010


Today, I had two different events in my life collide in a beautiful (and delicious) way:

1. Bryan's dad was coming to visit us this weekend (arriving today) and we were going to have dinner at our house tonight
2. I had a strange desire to buy a gigantic box of blueberries last time we were at Costco, which resulted in about a pound of them sitting with nothing to do in the fridge (you can only put so many on cereal and Ally has decided she's over blueberries for the time being)

If this isn't fate, I don't know what is. I realized the universe was trying to tell me something, and it sounded a little like "blueberry crumb cake for dessert". Who am I to argue??
And, like any good hostess, I had to make sure it tasted okay before I serve it later...

mmm... yum.

Monday, July 26, 2010

kids and spaghetti

What is it about kids eating spaghetti that just begs you to take pictures? Oh, right - the fact that they get red sauce smeared all over their faces without the slightest hint of embarrassment... just pure delight. Exhibit A:

I think this one's my favorite (above)

Now in for the close-up.

Yup, that's close.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

photography lesson #1

I'm trying to learn the basics of photography so I can take better pictures to share with you all, and today was day 1. I headed out into our backyard to test out my understanding of (1) aperture, (2) shutter speed, and (3) exposure settings.

I headed over to the apple tree first to test aperture, which is basically how much of the photo will be in focus - the lower the number, the less will be in focus (although the wider the opening, meaning it's letting in more light - kinda confusing) and the higher the number, the more will be in focus (and the narrower the opening).

Here, the aperture is at 5.6, which is the lowest our camera will go - you can see pretty much only the apples and leaves are in focus and the background is blurry:
Here, the aperture is at 36, which is the highest our camera will go, and you can see that the bushes in the background are now much more in focus:

Okay, so on to shutter speed. The faster the shutter speed (or smaller the fraction), the more detail you will get from a moving object - great for sports shots or any kind of movement. I thought it would be cool to shoot running water - here's my first attempt at our indoor kitchen sink:
Disaster. Because the shutter speed is so fast, not enough light is let into the camera, and even after lowering the aperture and increasing the ISO setting as much as possible, still too dark - so I went outside. Here's the hose with a shutter speed of 1/30:
Not much to look at, so here it is with shutter speed of 1/4000:
Cool! And while the hose was on I sprayed the apples cuz I thought it would look pretty :)

So finally, onto exposure. The camera's auto settings are usually pretty good at determining what the exposure should be, but sometimes with an item that is dark in color, it overcompensates and it comes out too bright - case in point:
The dark purple of the flower was making the camera try to lighten it up too much, so I used the AV +/- button to adjust the exposure down manually and here it is again:
Much better.

Finally, I wanted to take a picture of the lemon bowl in our kitchen - here's the first one:
I realized the shutter speed was still set too high for indoors, so I decreased it to 1/250 and increased the exposure:
Eeek! Too much exposure. Took that down a bit:
Better! Though I really need to clean that bowl...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


A great movie (well, okay, a pretty good movie) once said "I wish anything made me as happy as bubbles make my kids". No truer words were ever spoken.




Monday, July 19, 2010

in case you didn't know...

banging on the door to get Moose's attention...

is so much fun!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

banana muffins

There was one sad, lonely, overripe banana staring at me from the fruit bowl this morning - which always means it's going to meet its end in some sort of baked-good. I decided on banana chocolate-chip muffins. Ally clearly appreciated my ingenuity.

flower girls

Ally made her debut as flower girl in our nanny's daughter's wedding yesterday along with her little buddy, Mia. They did a great job and had a blast at the reception - hilarious!

Fueling up before my entrance...

here I go!

Phew! Now I can relax...


wearing mom's shoes

Ally says "please" (turn the volume up!)