
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

i know, i know...

Enough with the close ups on the eyes - in my defense, I've been doing it so I can practice eye sharpening techniques in photoshop. Plus I just can't help myself.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

silly mommy...

You thought you could sneak up on me? I can hear you a mile away.

Friday, September 10, 2010

nature museum

Today Ally and I ventured a whole 5 minutes across the freeway to a little nature museum that features local wildlife (think coyotes, badgers, raccoons and otters) and also has a few fun little hands-on children's exhibits. I thought the animals would totally thrill her, but she was more interested in jumping up and down the stairs (except for the otters of course since they're always entertaining and adorable).

The exhibits inside though, were her favorite.  Probably the best was a tube meant to illustrate and updraft that helps birds fly, among other things.  The kids could put colored foam thingies into the tube and then watch (or squeal with delight) as the air blew them up and out the top.

The other hit was a wall filled with holes and colored water bottles that was meant to show how a certain type of worm (I can't remember which one) burrows and lives.  Ally just liked the pink ones and spent a good 20 minutes hoarding them together in one section.

Girls - as long as they're pink, even worms are attractive.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

beach day!

We headed over to Stinson Beach over Labor Day weekend with some friends, and actually saw the sun! I dragged my camera along and got a couple good shots of Ally and Rowan (our friend's little boy). Fun day overall and the kids had a great day in the sand :)









