
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Trying to get her talking, but not very successful!


Ally in her jumper/swing - not much else going on :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ally learning to talk

She's recently started babbling more and more - her latest obsession is gurgling to herself...

Friday, February 13, 2009

good morning sunshine!

waking Ally up is so funny sometimes we had to record it - she's slightly less animated with the video camera, but still pretty funny. she's all smiles, and usually doesn't realize she can move her arms after being swaddled all night so you have to move them for her before she understands - then she gives these great big stretches - it's hilarious:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

playdate with Rowan

Our good friends had a baby boy 6 weeks after Ally was born (he was a month early!). we met today to go to a mom's group together and took a couple pictures - Ally's a lot bigger than he is, although i'm sure he'll catch up soon :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

monkey talk

i noticed if i put Ally in her play gym and left her alone, she'd start to talk to the stuffed monkey that hangs on it - i sit behind her at the computer and she has 10 minute conversations, it's hilarious. if she notices me, though, she stops, so i have to kind of sneak up on her. i got a little bit of it on tape this morning (it's hard to get the best parts without making the video ten minutes long!):

Friday, January 16, 2009

8 weeks old!

I can't even believe Ally is 8 weeks old already! she's getting so big - everyone thinks she's three months! we visited the doctor on tuesday and she's currently 11 lbs, 5.5 ounces, so she's eating like a champ. every day she's more and more interactive and just yesterday she had a real chuckle - i'm still waiting for the next one, but hopefully every day we'll hear more and more. her favorite song is the itsy bitsy spider, and she loves looking at herself in the mirror - here's a video of Ally looking up at her reflection while she sits in her swing (there's a mirror attached to the top):