
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

allyson is one month old!

admittedly, i've fallen off the bandwagon a bit with the blog, but now that we've kind of gotten into the swing of things, i'm hoping to get a bit better at finding the time :-) in any case, ally is one month old already (officially yesterday) and is starting to smile and babble just a bit when coaxed along. she loves staring at the blinds and the mobile over her changing table, but still isn't too fond of sleeping more than three hours at a time unfortunately! here's a quick video of her on her changing table - apologies in advance for my annoying baby talk, but it just can't be avoided with a baby this cute ;-)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

no baby yet!

we're still anxiously awaiting the arrival - we're about 3 days overdue and counting. i've been taking long walks and eating spicy food, but she still seems to be pretty comfortable in there. fingers crossed we'll have news to share soon!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

getting ready!

we're using every minute these last few weeks to get ready! piles of baby stuff are everywhere, and Bryan painted the room on saturday - a pretty pale blue. car seat got installed last weekend, and soon we order furniture - it's the home stretch!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

baby shower!

i had a WONDERFUL time at my baby shower last weekend - my friends did an amazing job and my mom and Susan were able to make it up from southern california to celebrate. ally and i got so many wonderful gifts - thank you to everyone!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

it's a girl!

we had our second ultrasound today and found out we're having a little girl! she was asleep for a good portion of the ultrasound, but woke up near the end and was moving all around. she's growing at a good rate and healthy as can be, so now it's on to picking names and nursery colors!

Monday, June 09, 2008

little kicks

i can't believe it's been a whole month since our ultrasound! the past few weeks have been a breeze and i'm still feeling really good. i've had a few whirlwind weekends with bachelorette parties (i happily acted as a designated driver) and other events, and can no longer button my pants :) i've been sticking rubber bands through the button hole and looping it around the button to give myself another few inches - i just need to make sure i wear a long enough top!

just this week i started to feel little kicks every now and then - it's usually only when i'm sitting still and paying attention - otherwise i barely notice them. i wasn't so sure what they were at first, but i've been feeling them more and more and now am pretty certain i'm feeling little arms and legs! next week we'll go in for our second ultrasound and hopefully find out if we're having a boy or a girl, so get your votes in!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

first ultrasound

today we went in for our first ultrasound, which is technically to screen for proper development, but offers the benefit and fun of seeing the baby actually moving around and lets us take pictures home to show off to friends and family :)

everything looks good and the little guy (or girl) had the hiccups, which was pretty funny. bryan was worried at first, but the doctor said it's perfectly normal and actually is a good sign that diaphragm and reflexes are developing well. phew!

anyway, so far so good, and now we finally have some pictures to share!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

cravings, doctors and naps

well, so far the pregnancy has been an easy one - almost no morning sickness! the biggest side effect i've been experiencing is tiredness on the weekends. i've also been eating more hamburgers and b.l.t.'s than i have in a while - i guess it's the need for all that protein. other than that, it's been business as usual, and i'm still taking the train to work, though bryan and i are going to start switching a couple days a week now that his office is close to the train station too.

two weeks ago we had a doctors appointment and got to hear the baby's hearbeat! it was beating at about 180 beats per minute and absolutely incredible. it was the most amazing thing hearing my own slow steady heartbeat one second, and then a few inches to the right hearing the baby's fast heartbeat coming out loud. i can't wait to go back for the ultrasound and see the baby moving around in just a few weeks.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

bun in the oven!

it's official! bryan and i are expecting a baby!!! estimated due date is november 9th - just in time to welcome him/her into the world and enjoy the holidays with family. we couldn't be happier or more excited - here goes!